About You

You are currently working as an employed adviser, possibly in one of the wealth management institutions or a super fund.  Day-by-day you are growing more frustrated with the compliance processes put in place to manage your employer’s conflicts.

You care passionately about two things: your clients and your career. And you’re becoming increasingly certain of one thing: you know that you don’t want to be doing what you’re doing for the next decade or longer.

You know that there’s a more professional way to serve your clients and you want to keep learning and growing in your career.

You are ready to take control of your career and work with the clients you most enjoy and provide the advice you know they need.

You have a long-term perspective, and you want to participate in the financial rewards of building a thriving practice with the right foundations.

But you don’t want to do it alone.

Now that you have reached your tipping point, you are looking for a supportive community of other professionals.  Financial planners who have already successfully done exactly what you are on the cusp of doing.

You are excited about the opportunities, the responsibilities, and the accountability that comes with self-employment.

Because excellence comes from creating your own adventure.